# of watchers: 7
| D20: 11 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2010-06-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon finished eating as well, then looked to her and smiled. "So, what now?" he'd ask.
2010-06-02 [Bastet]: Vivian ran to keep up with the van as much as she could, jumping over the two Daimons tht were thrown out. "Toss her!" She yelled at Raven, holding her arms out to catch.
Acheron looked around the building, quietly making his way around to see if Pen's captor was more then the group of Daimons.
Lynk smiled a bit. "Most likely bad."
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven kissed Pen's forehead before handing her over to Vivian,"Get the hell out of here. Now."
Stryker had already left to go back to start a different plan. Everything was working almost perfectly.
Ima smirked a little,"I might smack you around a little later then."
maria thought for a moment,"Ooh! Let's make fun of those late night commercials. Those really cheesy ones."
2010-06-02 [Bastet]: Vivian caught Pen, slowing down without falling the best she could. When she did, she turned and started running for the Van, Pen over her shoulder.
Acheron figured he was gone but could tell that Stryker hgad been there. He hurried back to tell the others.
"Why not now? Why wait." He let out a playful growl.
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven fought with two more Daimons, pissed off now.
Ima smirked a little more,"Maybe I should."
2010-06-02 [Bastet]: "Take her out of here." She said to Vincent. "I am going to stay and help Raven." She said as she ran for the area two were fighting Daimons in.
"Yes please." he said, stealing a kiss."
2010-06-02 [Bastet]: [ I am going to start working two jobs soon so I might not be on as much until I get my phone fixed. Sorry]
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent nodded a little, setting Pen in the passanger seat. He had around four daggers sticking somewhere in him, but if it botthered him he didn't show it. He helped Pen out of her restraints before pulling out a couple of daggers and getting in the driver's side.
Ima returned the kiss,"You want me to kick your ass?" She raised her brow.
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [It's cool. I'm going to get a job too, so, I understand.]
2010-06-02 [Bastet]: Acheron saw the daggers in him and shook his head. "Get in the back, I'll drive." He said, though eh hardly ever drove a car.
"Well, I wouldn't say you would kick my ass."
[Ok ^_^]
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent looked at himself and shighed with a nod, crawling into the back."I should stay though... The others..."
Ima smiled a little and nipped his bottom lip lightly,"But you want me to put you into the wall? That's kickin your ass." She teased.
2010-06-02 [Bastet]: "I am sure they can handle themselves, your not quiet fit at the moment to fight." he said as he honked the horn if anyone else wanted or needed to go before driving off.
"We'll see about that." He said, nipping back at her.
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent nodded a little and decided to tend to himself before checking on Pen. He pulled the only two remaning daggers out and rubed them with sanatizing wipes.
Ima chuckled,"Alri
2010-06-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen rubbed her wrsits.She looked down at herself."Ugh..
Eryx finished fighting with the two Daimons and he saw that his sister was safe."Thanks the bloody gods." he muttered.
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent shrugged a little,"Don't know. Don't care." He muttered, annouyance again in his voice. He looked at her,"Other then the bites, are you alright?"
2010-06-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen frowned."Ummm.
Eryx ran back to the van, he got into it."Herophile.
Pen hugged him back."Eryx I look like I've been threw a fashion war, so no I'm not okay. I just want to go home, have long hot bubble bath and curl up on my soft comfty bed." she layed her head on his shoulder."But thank you for coming to safe me, Eryx."
Eryx chuckled."Yeah we'll get you home after Vincent has taken a look at your wounds, sis. And then you can have your bath and bed."
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent shook his head a little,"Nothin
2010-06-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Eryx caught the wipes, he pulled back from Pen."See you get to be in bed for the next couple of days."he smiled. He pulled off Pen's red, dirty hoodie, he pulled out a wipe and started to clean the bite mark on her arm.
Pen sighed."Yeah in bed while I'm sick." she winced a little."My boss, Ian, he knows about me. That am a...goddess." she frowned. She looked around the van."Ummm...wh
Eryx."He just in the van but he has Harry Potters clock on?" he says as he cleans her bite mark.
2010-06-02 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "He's fighting. It's his job, his nature. He can't not kill a Daimon... That would be like a sex addict not having sex when it's readily available." Vincent looked at them,"And niether one of you should go out there either. The amount of Daimons is diminishing, but the amount of crazed hunters is not. This is their territory. Only Squires can be safe out there... Sort of."
2010-06-02 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen frowned."Oh my goddess. I hope he's going to be okay and not hurt...too badly."
Eryx shook his head a little."Trust me I don't think he will be hurt badly. Not like you Herophile."
Pen sighed."Eryc stop calling me that."
Eryx looked at her."What? Herophile? But thats your name."
Pen looked down."Not anymore, Eryx."
2010-06-02 [Bastet]: Vivian of coarse stayed behind to fight with Raven, pullin out the heavy guns to take out the daimons and to get Raven out of there alive and back.
2010-06-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon nodded and walked into the living room with her.
2010-06-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent was stitching his wounds, well, the ones he could reach anyway.
Raven panted a little once the fighting was finally over, the others dispersed quickly because of the dawn that was coming.
Maria plopped onto the couch and grabbed his remote.
2010-06-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned and shifted her over into his lap, spreading his legs so she was right inbetween his hips and leaend her against his chest.
2010-06-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Eryx finished cleaning all of Pen's cuts."Can we please go?"He put his arm around his sister in a brotherly mannor.
Pen leaned on her brother and she looked at Acheron who was in the driverrs seat. She layed her head on Eyrx's shoulder."Wait what about the others? Aren't we waiting for them?"
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Vivian saw the dawn coming and shrugged off her coat, throwing it over Raven. "Come on, lets get you back to the house." She said as she walked with him, wrapping an arm around him for slight support.
"Is there anyone at the hopuse that has a car?" Acheron asked the group that was in the van.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Just my sister." Vince said, putting away his supplies-answe
Raven supported her as the started walking to an available van.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "Ok, Call her and have her go pick up Raven and Vivian." Acheron said, not sure if there was another veical waiting for them.
2010-06-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen's eyes slowly closed and then she fell asleep.
Eryx held his sister in his arms, he smoothed her hair down little Pen was a small child.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent nodded a little and made the call, speaking quietly.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "How is she doing?" Acheron aske dEryx, glancing at him in the rear view mirros, barly making a turn but corrected himself, another car blaring it horn.
2010-06-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Eryx kept smoothing Pen's hair out."She needs a lot of rest but she'll be fine."
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Acheron nodded as he finally pulled into the driveway towards the garage, opening the door by a button and pulled in, parking. "There are plenty og rooms for her to rest in."
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent got out, nodding a little,"I'll give her the most comfortable room I have. Ash, you'll have to stay here too...Unless you want to ride in the cofin?"
Raven closed his eyes, glad to hear a speeding car coming their way."Good, he sent the intelligent one... In the hummer."
2010-06-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Eryx nods."Thank you...Acheron.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "You know how he is, always able to read us all like a book." Vivian siad with a small sigh and a smile.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven smiled a little and helped her into the Hummer when it pulled to a stop. He hissed and jumped in after her, shaking his wrist. He had a slight burn and he slammed the door closed.
2010-06-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Eryx smoothed Pen's hair as he held her.
Pen sleeps
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Vivian tutted slightly as she looked at the wrist. "Idiot, I could have gotten in myself." She said, looking around under the seats for the first aid that was kept in every car just in case.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent looked at Eryx,"You two gonna sleep in the van or move your asses?" He always got a little irritable when he was injured and couldn't get to it himself. He trusted very few people at his back-where his other two wounds were- and didn't believe in having them healed magically. You got lazy if you depended on the gods all the time.
Raven rooled his eyes a little,"I know, but la-....women first." He grinned a little.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Vivian just shook her head, use to this by now as she rubbed burn oinment on it before wrapping it up a few times. "Yeah, you say that now." She smirked slightly.
Acheron watched Vincent slightly. "Do you want me to fix thoseup for you?"
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven smiled a little,"Thanks
Vince shook his head a little,"I'm alright... Just need to lie down."
2010-06-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Eryx moved Pen into his arms and he got out the van. He looked down at Pen and saw that she was still asleep, which was good.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Vivian nodded slightly as she put the things away. "It is what I am here for, to keep you from killing yourself."
"They need to be fixed up, you know that." Acheron said, looking at him. "I will send Vivian after you to fix them."
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent nodded a little,"Fine..
Raven chuckled,"That and you can't put up with anyone else."
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon snuggled with Maria.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria smiled a little, running her fingers over his arm as she watched the infomercials.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon pointed and laughed about one...a penis pump.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Acheron shook his head, still not sure what Vicent wanted since he didn't give a clear answer.
"Yeah cause no one else and put up with me."
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent shook her head a little, knowing that he hadn't made sense."Sorry, send Vivian when she gets here.. I'll be in my room by then." He looked at Acheron,"You have a choice of rooms... You two, I'll show you to guest chambers." He said, shrugging off his coat as best as he could, his white shirt practically turned red from the blood. He led Eryx a flight of stairs and down the hall a little."Each room has a private bathroom... Any door that is open is an open room... Assume closed doors means someone is in there." He took a deep breath, closed his eyes momentarily, opened them again,"Just shout for me if you need me... I'll be in later today to check on her." He nodded goodnight and took a 'hidden' flight of stairs to a hall that led to the other side of the house.
Raven luaghed a little,"I remember when you first got here... I'd never seen Vincent give in that easily to an argument before. He just stared at you, sighed and walked out of the room.... What the hell were you guys argueing about?"
Maria smirked a little and looked at him,"I don't think we need that."
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon looked to her and grinned. "Not with you around, can't you feel it." he'd say nudging his pelvis against her back.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria grinned a little,"Down boy, down." She chuckled softly
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned. "Not my fault." he'd whisper into her ear.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Acheron nodded and helped out with getting the two settled in a room, letting Vincent go off and rest in his room. He needed to talk to the two anyways.
Vivian's face screwed up slightly as she thought. "I think it was something about how I wasn't squire material and I could only stay for a little bit until I found another." SHe shook her head slightly. "I told him off, said give me a chance to proove myself and he walked off."
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria chuckled softly,"I know..." She wiggled a little to tease him.
Vincent got to his room, stripping out of the bloody material of his clothes. He sighed a little and threw them into the fire.
Raven nodded a little,"Sounds like Vincent. Bit of a stick in the mudd..." He grinned a little,"He wasn't always that way.. Well, sort of, but he used to smile more often."
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon groaned softly. "God..tease." he'd moan.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Vivian frowned slightly. "What do you mean? He us to actually smile?" That seemed a shock to her.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria giggled a little,"You're the one who put me in your lap."
Raven nodded a little,"Yeah, he used to be a pretty fun guy... Still serious, but he knew how to have fun. Use to play poker and he always got the worst damn hand and still won... But he and his dad got into it one night and Vincent took over the house he's in now and..." Raven shrugged a little,"It's like his father finally beat the fun out of him."
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "I see, well since I know there is fun somewhere deep in him I guess I will have to try and find it again." She said, checking to see how close they were to the house.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: They were nearly to the house by now. Raven nodded a little,"Someon
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon growled into her ear.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria looked back at him,"You have to survive through at least two informercials.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned as one came up about endourance pills for sex.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "You definately don't need that." Maria luaghed, chaning it to one for jewlery
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Vivian sat back, drumming her fingers on her leg slightly. "What the hell is Stryker thinking now..."
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned. "Maybe...if we wanna go for a 24 hour fuck'o'thon." he'd grin.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Ummm... Same thing as always probably. Kill us, torture Ash, and use humans as cattle..." Raven summed it up
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria groaned,"Dear gods no..... We'll attempt to work up to that, but no."
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned and picked the phone up, dialing the number. "Yeah...I'd like to order them endourance pills." he'd say.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria gasped and took the phone from him, "No he wouldn't, he's being an ass." She hung up.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "Sounds eventful..." She muttered slightly as she looked out a window.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned and told her the reason for it, that they were for her.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven luaghed as they pulled into the garage and the door closed behind them, shutting out all of the sunlight. He got out and held the door open for her.
Maria shook her head a little and kept the phone firmly in her hand as she turned her attention back to the tv. "Oooo... I wnat that one." She pointed at the emrald neckless.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grabbed the phone back and called. "YEan...eah..m
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Do they know your address?" Maria lifted her eyebrow at him. the look on her face obvious,'Do you order jewlery for women often?' kind of look
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "Go on, get your burnt ass in the house. You know I don't do the lady shit." She said, waving him off as she got out of the car.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon shook his head and brought out a box handing it to her. "I was going to wait to give this to you..." he'd say...it was a small black box.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I know, I know... But damn it I can't help but try." Raven grinned and walked inside.
Mariatook the box,"For me? When did you buy this?'
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon smiled. "The day you were born..." he'd whisper softly. "I know one day...that you and I...woujld be man and wife." he'd whisper.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "Well, save it for your 'girlfriend'." She said, closing the door as she followed him into the house, heading for Vincents room first off to check on him. When she got to the door, she knocked on the door and waited
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "That was thousands of years ago though..." She whispered, hardly able to believe her eyes and ears.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "It's open." Vincent called through the heavy oak doors. His room was massive, but comfortable... Kind of like his wing of the house.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon smiled and held her close. "I do'nt remember when I ordered it baby, all I know is...I ordered it for you...look on the inside of the ring." he'd say. ON the inside, it said Maria, always and forever, I will love you.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Vivian pushed the door open and closed it quietly behind her. As she walked over to where he was, she pulled her leather gloves off, draging them over the back of a chair. "How are the wounds?"
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria held it, her hands trembling a little. She smiled though... They had basically been dating sense... Well, forever. He took her places, bought her things, and she did the same for him. They held hands, but only recently had it become... Intamit. She gave him the ring."Well, you gonna put it on me properly or what?" She smiled a little.
Vincent was on the bench like bed in the sitting room half of the bedroom, laying on his side because his legs couldn't stand the presure. He sat up when she came in, turning around."You tell me.." His back was covered in a mixture of dry and fresh blood... One cut on his shoulder, the other had barely missed his spine.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon pulled her out of his lap and smiled softly getting down to one knee he'd hold her hand and place the ring around her finger. "Be..my wife." he'd whisper.
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "Hmmm..." She said as she looked at them before pulling out a cloth and rubbing alchol from his bathroom, cleaning up his back. "Your very lucky it wasn't worst...how did these happen?" She asked, not seen who attacked him.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria nodded a little,"Yes." She grinned, kissing him.
"Shoulder was from a hunter.. There was a Daimon on my back and he didn't see me put a dagger in his head... Daimon went poof and the blead went into me instead... The otherone... I'm not at all sure how that one happened."
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: Vivian cleaned up the wounds and started to stitch them up while the alchol numbed the spots slightly. "Why didn't Acheron take care of these?"
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I trust Acheron Vivian, you know that..." Vincent was quiet for a moment,"But he's not one of the people I let stand at my back.... Besides, I don't do that mumbo jumbo magic healing stuff..."
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "And you trust me at your back?" She asked, raisng her brows slightly before finished this stiches and cleaning them on last time. "That statement I find a bit surprising since you didn't trsut me at alss when we first met."
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I was an arrogent asswhole when we first met... You know that. You're the first person who told me that to my face..." Vincent smiled a little,"Beside
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "Was that a smile I saw? I knew it couldn't have been that hard." She said with a smile herself. "I told you I am a person of my word." She said before walking to the bathroom to put things away. "No lifting heavy things for you for a while though, don't want to pop the stitches." She said when she walked back.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent just nodded a little,"Yeah, yeah... I know... Why did I have to teach you how to basically be a doctor again?" He sighed, shook his head,"Must have been drinking a shit ton of cold medicine."
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "Because I talked you into that one too." She said with a smile. "Plus I am speaking from personal experience." She picked up her gloves. "I'll be back with some food." She said as she headed for the door
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent shook his head a little,"I'll be down soon anyway." He sighed a little,"Next thing you're gonna talk me into handing over the deed to the house." He teased
2010-06-05 [Bastet]: "Actually that wouldn't be a bad idea." She said over her shoulder, smiling back at him before disapearing through the door and going to make food for everyone who wanted some.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon smiled as he kissed her softly on the lips, placing his hand at her hips.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent rolled his eyes a little and went to carefully get dressed.
2010-06-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria returned the kiss, smiling against his lips.
2010-06-05 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned and looked upward. "Okay Zeus...come on down." he'd say. [He's yer dad...you gotsta rp him, or we could get...Daniel to do it?]
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: Vivian took orders of what people wanted to eat before disapearing into the kitchen. She had a few meals going at once before getting out drinks pn the table for people to serve themselves. It was clear the girl couldn't just sit around, she had to be working or moving constantly.
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Eryx had layed Pen on the bed, he stripped her clothes off her and covered her with a blanket.He ran to Pen's apparment and he got her some over night clothes. He ran back to Vincent's house to Pen's room. He set the small pink bag by the bed and he dressed Pen in some warm PJ's. Then he sat in a chair and fell asleep.
Pen woke up a littl while later, she sat up and saw her brother. SHe frowned a little and she got out of bed. Where am I? She thought as she walked out the bedroom. She wanted to find some kind of life here other that her jackass of a brother. She walked down the hall then down the stairs.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: Acheron was sitting in the livingroom, writting on paper, the sound of a clock ticking in the distance as well as movment in the kitchen. "Its good to see you up." Acheron said without looking up from the paper.
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen gasped softly and she turned around and saw Acheron."Ummm.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: Acheron nodded to her. "If you are hungry, you will need to talk to Vivian about it. If not I need a word with you."
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen bit her lip and nodded a little."I just need a smoke but that can wait. I need to talk to you too." she walked into the living room. She sat on the sofa and crossed her legs and put her hands on her knee.
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent came down from his wing into the kitchen, looking around at all that Vivian had cooked.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: Acheron finished the thought he was writing before setting the pen and paper down on the table. "You can go first."
Vivian was pulling out plates and putting food on them like she was running her own one man resturant. She saw him walk in and pushed his plate of food to him.
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent took it with a nod,"Thanks." He went to the fridge and pulled out a lemon ice tea... He was addicted to the stuff. He went to the table and sat down
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen looked at him."I know you want to know who took me. But none of that is important. What is important is I had a vision. And it...broke my heart when I was watching it. It's hard to explain to you what I saw, so it's best you just watch it for yourself." she stood up and limped a little over to Acheron. She sat next to him."I'm sorry for what your about to see. I truely am." she put her hand on Acheron's cheek and she closed her eyes. The second Pen touched him, he saw Pen's vision.
Acheron saw a roof top and on that roof top was a chained up Acheron and Pen, six cages holding Raven, Lilith, Vivian, Eryx, Vincent and Ithaca. Acheron never took his eyes off Ithaca while Ithaca never too her eyes off Acheron. Pen was yelling for them to be set free, for them not to be hurt to the man in black who was Strkyer. And he just was listening to her. Raven was growling softly but he kept looking at Pen while Pen had stopped yelling she looked from Raven to Eryx. She was crying but hey Pen crys a lot. Vivian was making some kind of threats while Vincent dose the same. Eryx was making so badassed joked about being stuck in cages with out a woman. Lilith was just standing in the middle of her cage just not moving or say anything. Finally Strkyer got three daimons to pull Ithaca, Lilith, Eryx, Vincent, Vivian and Raven out one by one as Stryker kills each of them in front of Pen and Acheron. Acheron was trying to free but no luck as he was forces to watch his friends die while Pen was forced to do the same. By the end of the vision you saw Stryker kill both Pen and Acheron then the world was truely scewed big time Pen opened her eyes and pulled her hand from his cheek. She looked away because she didn't want to see his reaction.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: Vivian watched Vicnent for a moment as she popped a cherry tomato into her mouth. "You drink any more of that and I might as well replace your blood with it."
Acheron blinked a few times, his face calm but his eyes and brows heavy in a seriouis matter. "Do you know how long before this Vision might become ture?" He asked as he picked up the pen ad jotted a few things down quickly.
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent looked at her and frowned a little,"But I'd have to bite myself for the taste."
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen looked back at him."From the look of what we where all wearing I would say it was the everlasting bonfire at Lupin Theatre, Tulane university for the New Orleans Shakespeare festival.I reconised the roof as the Tulane uni but am not sure what day it was. So that could happen from the 10th of June to the 20th of June. I use to go every year with my friends from work." She sighed softly."But please remember that the future can always change. Every choise we all make can change the future. So my vision might not come true."
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: "If your an idiot then yeah you would." She walked over to him, placing a hand on her hip as se looked down. "Hows the food?"
"I know but...we were warned of a celebration that would have all of us togeather and we would be killed...That could be the one." he said with a small nod. "This can help greatly with changing that feature, thank you for telling me."
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen nods."Don't thank me. Thank Strkyer. He was the one that touched me which give me the vision." she wiped her chin, she could still his touch there. "So what did you want to ask me?"
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent looked up at her, smirking a little,"You'd kick my ass if I said horrible, wouldn't you?" He chuckled softly." It's good and you already knew that."
Ima looked at Lynk for a moment, tilting her head to the side.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: "You have basicly already answered my quiestions." Acheron said. "You are free for that smoke break now."
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: "You bet I would." She said before picking up other plates and carrying them to who they were to go to." She set a plate in front of Raven with a large steak on it, cooked to how he liked it and a beer. It was clear that she knew everyone pretty well here.
Lynk looked back at her. "What?"
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen."He wanted to know what your plans where. He thought I knew the answer to that, but I don't." she stood up."I never told Stryker what I saw. I just said to him that I saw the end of the world." she looked at him."He has my other cell the one with Raven's number in it. You might want to tell Raven to get a new cell phone number." she walked out the room and outside the house. She sat on the stone step and lit up her cig and smoked it.
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven grinned a little,"Thank you Doll face." He said before taking a bite.
Ima smiled a little and shook her head,"Nothing.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: "I am accepting tips and its not an option." She said with a smirk as she held out her hand to him. "See your girlfriend yet since you got back?"
Acheron nodded. "I will though I am sure you will be able to tell him yourself."
Lynk watched her for a moment before starting to the livingroom after her, like he didn't want her walking away from him.
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen smoked her cig, she felt like crap, like she had partyed way to hard and drank way too much. Once she was finished her cig she walked back into the house. She sniffed a little when the scent of food hit her, she walked to the kitchen.
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven set a hundred dollar bill in her hand and rolled his eyes."She's not my girlfriend... We're not alowed to have them, remember? Or Bitch Goddess goes nutso."
Vincent scowled at him,"Raven, I swear on Olympus that if you get my roof blown off again, I'm tranqing you, and then making sure there will be no 'happy time' for you again... And you'll have to pay repairs and the cost of the surgery."
Ima started up the stairs and was halfway up when she puased and glanced back to see if he was still fallowing.
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen chuckled softly when she heard them."Bless." she walked into the kitchen still chuckling."Any coffee?" she was dieing for a cup of coffee cause she could use the caffine hit.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: Vivian shook her head and dropped the bill on his table again."Go buy soime balls. Just cause she doesn't want you to have one doesn't mean you can't, just say she is a friend with benifits as a cover." She said before she walked back to the kitchen, running into Pen." Hello...can I get you anything?"
Abd syre as rain he was, just a few steps behind her.
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen looked at Vivian and smiled at her."Hi. I was wondering if you guys have any coffee or anything with caffine in it."
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven just luaghed a little at Vincent and mimiked Vivian, sticking his tounge out at her back.
Ima smiled a little and continued upstairs to her bedroom.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: Vivian nodded and handed her a cup of steaming coffee freshly made. "Need anything else?" She picked up the last plates to take to their owners.
He followed, looking around the room.
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen took the cup."Nope this all I need." she walked over to the table and sat next to Raven. She looked at him."You need a new cell phone number." she took a huge sip of her coffee.
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven looked at her,scowling a little,"You should be in bed."
He bedroom was relatively larger, with the bed dominating one side of the room with a vanity and a bench/chest at the foot of her bed. There were built ins on either side of the large bay window to the left of her bed. The furniter was antique white, but in good condition with scroll work painted in green-blue. The bed was covered in a full, fluffy comforter in blues and greens. To the right of the bed was a walk through closet which led to the onsweet bathroom.
2010-06-06 [Bastet]: Vivian took the plates to who they needed to go to and grabbed an apple and beer for herself, sitting down at their table. "She's been sleeping in one a while already."
"I am surprised that you got such a large place for one person."
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen chuckled and poked Raven's cheek."Caln down warrior Raven. I've been asleep since I was in that van...I think." she shrugged.
2010-06-06 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven was about to argue, but Vincent stopped him.
"She wasn't injured nearly as badly as Ithaca. Ithaca is the one who needs to spend days in bed... Miss Pen is fine to walk around if she has the energy."
Ima shrugged a little,"The price was great and it cane with everything included.
2010-06-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen smiled."See." she looked at Vincent."Thank you." she sipped her coffee. She looked back at Raven."So like I was saying. You warrior need to change your number unless you like Strkyer calling you all hours of the day and night." She sipped her office.
2010-06-10 [Bastet]: "Speaking of Ithaca, shouldn't someone be checking on here at this time?" Vivian said as she placed a hand on her hip, plate of food in another, and looked at Acheron as she spoke. Acheron looked up at her, his brows drawn togeather slightly before he stood. He took the plate from Vivian and started for the room to see how Ithaca was doing and if she was able to eat anything.
Lynk shook his head slightly as he looked around the room. "I guess if one wanted it big they could....but to have it alone would be so...lonesome and you don't seem the type to be alone."
2010-06-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven nodded a little,"Alrigh
Vincent started muttering in Russian and rolled his eyes a little.
Ithaca wasn't asleep anymore, but she didn't look great either. She was curled up in the middle of the bed, staring at the closed drapes. The wounds were healing though.
Ima frowned a little,"I never really noticed it actually... By the time I get home, I'm so sick of people and tired that I usually strip down and fall asleep... But that's only if I've worked a full night.."
2010-06-11 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen nodded."Good."
2010-06-12 [Bastet]: Vivian looked at Vincent with a raised brow and a smile spread across her face. 'What are you muttering about now?' She asked him in russian, which she ahd been learning in her spare time as well as other languages. When she wasn't working or training, she was burried in her books.
Acheron quietly walked over and set the food on the bed side table. "How are you feeling now?" He asked her quietly as he sat down on the bed, looking down at her.
"So confusing you are jag-eun" Lynk said with a small shake of his head
2010-06-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen pulled back from Raven and walked over to Vivian and hugged her and kissed both her cheeks."Thank you for helping to save me." She smiled.
2010-06-12 [Bastet]: Vivian seemed surprised by that action, not sure of what to do but pat Pen's back slightly in return. "It was nothing...just doing my job." She said with a small nod.
2010-06-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen nodded."But still you helped save me even though you had no idea who I am. And for that I am very greatful." she smiled and sat back next to Raven.
2010-06-12 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Raven just smiled a little.
Vincent seemed just as confused by Pen's actions, but nodded a little and looked at Vivian, 'Damn hunter goes through cell phones faster then a nerd who has to have every damn new gadget.'[ he rolled his eyes a little and walked over to a cabnet and opened it,"What kind do you want?" The tall cabinet was floor to ceiling cellphones and other electronics.
"The kind that works." Raven said, barely catching the phone box that came flying at his head.
Ima turned and looked at him,"Hot, really hot... And sticky... And gross... Could be better though. I could be dead getting the longest lecture ever given by a god."
Ima frowned at him, "jag-eun?"
2010-06-12 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen looked at Raven then to Vincent."He dose? Like how many?" She asked Vincent because she could understand Russian.
2010-06-12 [Bastet]: vivan nodded to Vincent, Knowing that Raven did go through a lot phones. When Pen spoke she rose her brow. "Is Russian becoming a common language?.. Seems like everyone knows it here..."
Acheron nodded as he placed the back of his fingers to her forehead, feeling that she was burning up. "Maybe you should shower, get that nasty feeling off your skin." he said in a low voice.
lynk smiled. "it means 'small one' in Korean."
2010-06-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grumbled and kissed her neck. "Isn't your dad gonna come down and congradulate you?" he'd ask.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent chuckled softly. "Apparently... He goes through four or five a week."
Ithaca groaned a little,"That means moving.." She made an attempt at smiling.
Ima sighed a little and shook her head a little, hopping onto her bed,"Why must everyone call me little." She folded her arms over her chest and pouted... Much like a two year old. Bt she was having trouble not luaghing.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria giggled a little,"He's a busy man... I'm sure he'll be down later."
2010-06-13 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned and kissed her neck softly.
2010-06-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen chuckled softly."I lived in Russia once and I just picked up the language." she looked at Raven."Four or five phones a week? And I thought Rose was bad for getting new phones." she chuckled.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: vivian let out a small sigh before turning to the sink and washed her hands. " i'm going to the training room" she said as she started out of the room, which ment she was either frustrated about something or pouting.
acheron stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder, getting off the bed and walking to the bathroom to run a bath. He added a soothing lavender oil that was in there before walking back into the room with a towel in hand. He set it down and blind folded himself before he started to gently help her undress. He was using his other senes to see her, going to wrap the towel around her when she was undressed and carry her to the bath. For a man of fierceness on the fighting grounds and public, he was the gentle man still to woman he trusted.
lynk chuckled. "because you are a small one female."
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent watched Vivian take off, wondering what was bothering her before looking at Pen and nodding a little,"Yeah..
Ithaca was too out of it to really care if he saw her naked. She rested her head on his shoulder while he walked.
Ima smiled a little,"Yes, but I can get into and out of small places."
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: acheron picked her up, setting her down in the tub with the towel still on. He then picked up a sponge, still blind as he started to clean her off.
"i didn't say that it was a bad thing did i?"
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca reached up, touching the blindfold,"You don't need this Acheron."
Ima shook her head a little,"No." She chuckled softly.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: acheron continued, not reaching to take it off. "I am wearing it in respect." he said simply.
"ok then." he said with a smile, getting on the bed, bouncing on it a little bit, testing them.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca dropped her hand from his cheek into the water.
Ima watched him, chuckling a little.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: acheron still felt that they were just on a friend level and felt he had no right to see her body that way. He would leave that choice to her.
lynk laid back. "I guess that this is a bit better then simply grass."
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca Relaxed under his touch, feeling a little better.
"You guess?" Ima smiled a little,"Beds are the best."
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: after a moment acheron stopped, setting the sponge down. The hot water would help with her aches so he would let her relax for a bit. He stood up from the tub and started out, but came back with the food.
"i have slept in a few grass spots that felt a little nicer then this."
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca opened her her eyes when he came back in and shifted a little.."Acher
Ima rolled her eyes a little, sitting on her knees as she leaned over him. She reached under him and pulled one of the throw pillows out from under him.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: acheron sat down next to the tub and let out a slight sigh before he slowly pulled the blind fold off. He had his eyes closed but he slowly opened them.
Lynk fell back against her slightly, looking up at her with a slight glare. "what was that for?"
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca managed a weak smile,"See, wasn't so hard, was it?"
Ima grinned a little and sat up, smacking him in the chest with the pillow."This."
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: Acheron looked down at the plate, picking up a bite. "lets get some food in you, it will help your body heal quicker."
Lynk grabbed another pillow and hit her back. "i am not scared to hit an able female."
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca nodded a little,"Alrigh
Ima smirked,"Good, cause if you were, I'd have to call you a whimp.... Or a baby." She kissed his nose and thwacked him with the pillow.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: Acheron nodded and held the bite to her lips. It was a plater of fruits, stir fired veggies and a bit of meat. A well rounded meal for a healing body.
lynk blocked the blow with his free arm, taking an aim at her with his own pillow.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca ate the bite carefully, chewing slowly.
Ima blacked it with her own pillow, then aimed at him again.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: Acheron picked up another grape and held it to her lips. His eyes staying from her shoulders up.
lynk pushed her pillow aside, aiming to tackle her down onto the bed.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca wouldn't meet his eyes, taking the grape..
Ima squeaked a little and giggled.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: "If i have to have the blind fold off, you can at least meet me in the eyes." he said after a moment, that had been bothering him for a while.
Lynk gently nipped her at the neck as if to state that he was the dominate one in this fight.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca hesitated for a moment before looking up to meet his eyes.
Ithaca shivered a little and gently dug her nails into his arm to show that she was most likely going to make him prove that he was dominate.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: acheron's eyes were calm when she looked into them, he looking away for a moment as he speared some meat, looking back as he held it to her lips. "not so hard was it?"
Lynk let out a slight growl at that.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca smiled a little, and took the bite of meat with a shake of her head.
Ima smirked a little, hooking her knees on his hips before flipping them over until she was ontop of him.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: "Why have you been avoiding my gaze for this long?" He asked out of curiousity.
Lynk let out another growl to her, snapping his teeth at her slightly. "I don't think so little one."
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca swallowed the bite and bit her lip,"You'll be angery, I know you will be."
Ima smirked a little, raising a brow.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: "So you can read minds now can you?" Acheron said with raised brows as he speared the veggies next. "how did you come about that trick?"
lynk grabbed her by the hips and moved her off hin, pinning her on the ede of the bed so she couldnt go anywhere else.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca smiled a little,"I'm a woman, that's how." She sighed a little,"Becaus
Ima looked up at himw, raising a brow.
2010-06-13 [Bastet]: acheron frown slightly, his brows drawing togeather. "i make you feel the need to lower yourself?"
lynk leaned down and kissed her deeply on the lips.
2010-06-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca shook her head a little,"I never felt that way around you Acheron...I was always too nervous to meet your eyes because you were the King's son, and I was a servant's duaghter." She shrugged a little.
Ima groaned softly and returned the kiss
2010-06-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen chuckled softly at Vincent's comment. She looked at Raven."I think you just like t break phones for fun." she chuckled.
Eryx woke up, he looked around and saw that Pen was not in bed, so he walked out the room and followed Pen's scent. He saw his sister in the kitchen."Herop
Pen looked at her brother."I feel fine, brother." she frowned. Okay she did feel weak and tired and a bit hot but other than that she was fine."So stop sounding like my father and go to my place and feed Stark."
2010-06-14 [Bastet]: Acheron sighed, shaking his head. "But i am not longer that title so you have no need to feel that way." he fed her some more.
Lynk pulled away with a smirk. "looks like i win this round little one."
At that moment there came a loud bang that echoed through the house that came from the training room.
2010-06-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen frowned and jumped a little."What the hell?" she stood up and ran to the training room with ehr brother right behind her. They both ran into the training room."Vivian?!
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca chewed and swallowed,"I told you that you would be angery.."
Ima smirked a little,"This time..."
Niether Vincent nor Raven hesitated. They were both up and out of the door and in the training room. Vincent entered the room first,"Viv?" He looked around the training room rubble.
2010-06-14 [Bastet]: "and there you are reading my mind again. If you take it that i am mad then you are wrong." he said in a light sigh.
vivian was walking back and forth next to a metal pole that was bent and pulled off the wall. Vivian had clearly hit the punching that was attached hard enough over and over to break it from its foundations. Her knuckles were bleeding from it.
lynk rose a brow. " there is going to be a next time?"
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca sighed a little,"You always sighed like that when you were annoyed with her" She said, her nose wrinkled. She couldn't even say Artemis' name.
Vincent sighed a little, shaking his head he turned to Pen, her brother, and Raven. "Go." He said quietly, all but shoving them out of the room before closing the door in their faces. He turned back to Vivian,"Alrigh
Ima smirked a little,"You think I'm gonna let you have me after only dominating me once?" She leaned up, nibbleing on his lower lip,"You're sadly mistaken."
2010-06-14 [Bastet]: "I am annoyed with most things, you know that so you shouldnXt take it personaly."
Vivian just shot him a slight glare. "it 's nothing just got a little over excited..." she said, now flexing her shaking hands.
"I thought that we were going to be traditional about this."
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca nodded a little,"Yes, I do know that."
Vincent sighed a little, walking over to her."I know you well enough to know when you're upset."
2010-06-14 [Bastet]: "do you want anymore fooD?" he asked after a moment of silence.
"...I am surprised that you dont know." she scoffed after a moment, shakingg her head.
"that means i just won you." he said in a throaty voice.
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca shook her head a little,"I'm fine... Thank you."
"I'm a man, Vivian..."Vinc
"Happy with your prize?" Ima asked quietly, almost sounding nervous.
2010-06-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon grinned. "So....who's going to help plan our wedding?" he'd ask.
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Maria puased for a moment,"Hmmmm.
2010-06-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Agamemnon nodded and held her against his chest, flipping through the channels. "Good." he'd smile.
2010-06-14 [Tis gone but never gone]: Pen chewed her bottom lip with worry as she walked back to the kitchen with Eryx and Raven.
2010-06-14 [Bastet]: acheron nodded and set the plate down. "rest, i will come back to take back to the bed in a little bit."
vivian shook her head. "it's everything. Where this town is headed for and what ever the hell stryker is up to. I spend most my sleeping time to learn to understand ypu just to have a cutesy blonde show me up." she let out a frustrated sigh.
lynk slowly grinned." yes i am, very."
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca nodded a little.
Vincent stopped looking at her bleeding knuckles and at her. He dipped his head, kissing each of her hands lightly before looking up at her again."We'll just have to come up with our own language then, hmm?" He smiled a little.
Ima smiled slowly,"Good answer."
2010-06-14 [Bastet]: Acheron left her to relax in the bath, going to go check out what the loud bang had been about.
Vivian looked at him for a moment in slight bewilderment before pulling her hands from his slowly. "I just need to get over it...we dont have the time to come up with our own language." she said quietly though a smile tugged at her lips at the though that Vincent was willing to make up a language with her. she started to gently wipe the blood on her knuckles with a cloth.
Lynk kissed her on the lips again, wanting to get a better taste of her.
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ithaca relaxed into the water with a soft sigh.
Vincent watched her."We needed to do some remodling anyway... Let me clean those properly." He said after a moment, going to a first aid kit.
Ima returned the kiss, parting her lips for him.
2010-06-14 [Bastet]: acheron walked into the training room, seeing the two talking. "Is everything ok in here?"
Vivian nodded to acheron as she waited for Vincent to get the first aid kit for her hands. " yes just accidently knocked over some equipment."
Lynk moaned as he slid his tongue in, tangling his fingers in her hair.
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent nodded a little,"Yeah..
Ima moaned softly, running her hands up his arms to his back.
2010-06-14 [Bastet]: Vivian pulled her hands back slightly at the first touch of the alchol but was soon still after that to clean them. They didn't look all that bad when cleaned up. Acheron nodded and went to the kitchen for a quick drink before heading back to ithaca.
he wanted her then, to claim her since she had declaired that he had won her as well but now was not a good time. Now he had other things to take care of before he took any attachments.
2010-06-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Vincent cleaned her wounds gently. He finished by putting an ointment on her knuckles.
Ima pressed her hips up into his, running her fingers threw his hair.
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